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  • SPC

Pinedale Middle School students speak out on how to cope with stress

● Call (not text) a friend and have a real conversation

● Take a walk outside

● Draw a picture

● Go to the PAC

● Go to the library

● Go watch a live sports event

● Play a sport

● Spend $1.00 at the Food Basket or Green Pastures

● Use your Google calendar to organize your life

● Box breathing (ask a middle school student about box breathing)

● Yoga breathing (ask a middle school student about yoga breathing)

● Cook some food and eat with a friend

● Write in your journal

● Go out in nature

● Go to Flicks ‘n Pins for bowling and a movie

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Mission: To enhance community health and well being with a primary focus on substance abuse and suicide prevention for Sublette County youth, families and adults.


Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. | 8 am - 5 pm

Cell: 307-749-5004

Public Health Office: 307-367-2157


© 2019-2023 by Sublette Prevention Coalition  |  Page Background Photos: John Kelly nature photos CC BY 4.0  |  Designed & Maintained by D. Swain Design

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