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Life. Are You Ready?

Wyoming SADD hosted the "Life. Are you ready?" event on Oct. 8. This video is of the Mock DUI car crash at the end of the day's events. Video courtesy of Travis Bingham/Sublette County Sheriff's Office.


Wyoming Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and the Sublette County Sheriff's Office sponsored Life. Are You Ready at the Sublette County Fairgrounds, on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Two hundred and fifty eight students from both high schools and home schools participated in the event. Over 30 agencies represented by 107 volunteers and professionals produced the day long event. Agencies included SCSO, Wyoming Highway Patrol, Tip Top Search & Rescue, Sublette County Unified Fire, Sublette County EMS, Pinedale and Marbleton medical clinics, Sublette No. 1 and Sublette No. 9 School Districts, Lions Club, Sublette Coroner's Office, Sublette County Public Health, and High Country Behavioral Health. It was a true community effort, designed to give students first hand insight into the destructive results that can arise from impaired and distracted driving.


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Mission: To enhance community health and well being with a primary focus on substance abuse and suicide prevention for Sublette County youth, families and adults.


Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. | 8 am - 5 pm

Cell: 307-749-5004

Public Health Office: 307-367-2157


© 2019-2023 by Sublette Prevention Coalition  |  Page Background Photos: John Kelly nature photos CC BY 4.0  |  Designed & Maintained by D. Swain Design

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