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Here’s what’s happening in August 2021: Coordinator Notes

8/2/2021 The Suicide Prevention Task Force met with Janell Rinehart, Neville Burt, and Lorelei Lamoreux of the Boulder Roll Poker Run to thank them for their generous fundraising and support of the community mental health fund and to discuss their funding priorities. Plans were made to continue collaborating on specific community events and the community mental health fund. We were joined by Billie Hamby from the Veterans Services Office who agreed with the Boulder Roll on the need to promote telehealth counseling services for Vets. We have since created some marketing materials to get the word out to Vets about telehealth. Please see the meeting minutes below for more info.

8/10/21 Opiates and Other Drugs Task Force meets this Tuesday at 12 noon at Public Health On the agenda: Preliminary report from the 4-H Bike Repair class; review and distribution plan for the flyer: “How to Talk to your Kids and Teens about Marijuana”; discuss what role the coalition wants to have in educating lawmakers about commercial marijuana. And lastly, data. We are required by our grant funders to stay current with data and data sources to keep our work relevant. We will look at what we are using to measure our youth marijuana prevention strategy.

Agenda is attached below.

Lunch provided, please RSVP for lunch!

8/12/2021 Full Coalition Lunch meets Thursday at 12 noon. Please note: This meeting will be in Pinedale. Our original schedule had us in Big Piney for August but we checked with our partners in BP and were told that we would miss a lot of them as they are not yet back in school. So we switched. We will be in Pinedale for August and Big Piney on September 9. Apologies for any confusion or inconvenience. Please note: We will hold the quarterly Coordinated Care meeting at the end of this meeting! Please put the word out in your networks.

Agenda is attached below.

Lunch provided, please RSVP for lunch!

Future dates for your Calendar:

September 8: Big Piney Candlelight Walk for Suicide Prevention

September 22: Pinedale Candlelight Walk for Suicide Prevention

October 11, 10 am - 2 pm: Wyoming Prevention Action Alliance (WPAA) will hold their regional meeting in Pinedale in the Pinedale Library Lovatt Room . There will be a community Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training from 10 am - 12 pm. Drug Recognition Experts are trained to see signs and symptoms of drug use as they relate to the drug impaired driver. This training extends beyond impaired driving and can be beneficial for school staff, clinic providers, pharmacists, counselors, and anyone else interested in understanding how specific drugs, including prescription drugs, impact human physiology. I took part in a brief DRE training in May and found it to be lively, engaging, and fascinating. The trainers are from around the state and are excellent. Please let me know if you are interested in attending.

I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and fun August.

Please pray for rain!


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Mission: To enhance community health and well being with a primary focus on substance abuse and suicide prevention for Sublette County youth, families and adults.


Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. | 8 am - 5 pm

Cell: 307-749-5004

Public Health Office: 307-367-2157


© 2019-2023 by Sublette Prevention Coalition  |  Page Background Photos: John Kelly nature photos CC BY 4.0  |  Designed & Maintained by D. Swain Design

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