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December 2020 Coordinator Notes


I hope you all are well and healthy and I hope you stay that way as we head into December.

Due to covid-19 precautions, all December meetings and classes will be held on zoom.

All December agendas are attached below and on the website. All November minutes and agendas are on the website.

Here is the December schedule, including zoom invites. If you cannot attend meetings this month please scroll down for a brief overview on activity in all task areas this month.

***Reminder: You must RSVP for lunch!***

Thank you to Kathy Lee at Heart and Soul for providing December lunches.

Monday December 7, 7:30 - 8:30 am: Suicide Prevention Task Force.

Tuesday December 8, 12 - 1 pm: Alcohol Misuse Prevention Task Force & lunch

Thursday December 10 12 - 1 pm: Full Sublette Prevention meeting & lunch

Here’s what we have going on in each task area this month:

Tobacco: Quit classes are now on zoom. Smokefree business recognition campaign is in it’s second month. Flyers promoting the confidential quit vape classes are now up in Pinedale High School. The eyes of the state are on us for this project, we have been getting calls from other counties and some media.

Alcohol: Holiday harm reduction media campaign goes from Thanksgiving through the first week of January, please like and share our facebook posts from the Public Health facebook page and please follow us and lijke these posts on instagram at sublettepreventioncoalition. Tips trainings for businesses scheduled for January 19 and 28.

Suicide Prevention: Sub 1 health educator and QPR instructor Jen Wilkinson trained 90 students to be QPR Gatekeepers in the past month. Do you have a 10th grader in your family? Ask them about QPR and what they learned. Melinda Bobo trained all new SAFV volunteers to be Gatekeepers. 13 community members from the schools, Sheriff’s Office, churches, and business were trained in Mental Health First Aid. That totals 110 new Sublette comunity members added to the community safety net for suicide prevention.

Opiates and Other Drugs: Planning for Marbleton drug take back lunch; promoting “How Marijuana affects the Adolescent Brain” presentation for February 9 with Dr. Libby Stuyt; and collaborating with Stan Cannon, County Attorney’s Office to promote education on addiction and the brain.

Full coalition lunch on Thursday: Each task force will look back on 2020 and report on what we did and how did it work? What might be a new or better way to do this specific task? What can we do “next semester?”

Thank you for getting this far in this dense email!

Best wishes to you all for peaceful and healthy holidays,


Trisha Scott Prevention Coordinator Sublette County Public Health 307-749-5004

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Mission: To enhance community health and well being with a primary focus on substance abuse and suicide prevention for Sublette County youth, families and adults.


Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. | 8 am - 5 pm

Cell: 307-749-5004

Public Health Office: 307-367-2157


© 2019-2023 by Sublette Prevention Coalition  |  Page Background Photos: John Kelly nature photos CC BY 4.0  |  Designed & Maintained by D. Swain Design

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