Apr 2, 20212 min

Coordinator's Notes: April 2021


Here is what the coalition is up to in April:

Monday 4/5/21 Suicide Prevention Task Force

7:30 - 8:30 am

Attend online with Zoom or in person at Public Health.

We will be discussing gaps in wrap around services for Sublette youth who need more structure and support, with Angie Murphy from Sub 1. We will also hear about youth interest in a mental health/suicide prevention group at Pinedale High School, and keep up to date on the status of the community mental health funds.

Attend online with Zoom or in person at Public Health

Tuesday 4/6/21 Tobacco Prevention Task Force

12 - 1 pm. Please RSVP for lunch!

Attend online with Zoom or in person at Public Health.

We will be reviewing all tobacco media and brainstorming ways to reach more people for the quit groups and the quitline. Update on quit groups and smoke free business promotion. We will also be discussing data collection and measuring progress on youth tobacco prevention.

Thursday 4/8/21 Sublette Prevention Coalition Monthly Meeting

12 - 1 pm. Please RSVP for lunch!

Attend online with Zoom or in person at Public Health.

Coming May 4:

Tracy Young from Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police (WASCOP) will be in PInedale to facilitate the first of 3 sessions dedicated to completing the 5 Year Strategic Plan for Sublette County. This is a workbook process that requires coalition involvement from about 8 - 10 people. We anticipate completing the process by the end of June 2021. Think of it like an opportunity to have your voice, and your organization's voice, involved in establishing prevention priorities from now until 2025. This is also an in depth look at what the grant dollars are actively doing in Sublette right now. Please contact Trisha for more information or to sign up.

Have a healthy and safe April!

